A journal of Jonesy's progress

July 23 - Jonesy had a visit from NY Giants Rodney Hanmpton and Chris Calloway.

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In the year since his accident in February, 2010, Jonesy made remarkable progress, with the help of the caring staff at the Kessler Institute in New Jersey and especially the Good Samaritan Home in Delmar, NY.  He returned to his newly renovated home with Lisa & Liliana in February and continues to improve with support of therapists and friends.

He has lots of motion in his shoulders, shrugging them often. His right side progresses faster than the left – he can raise his arm up off the arm of his chair and flex his fingers.  He has feeling though out his body and can wiggle his toes a bit.

Jonesy has acquired a standing table, which allows him, with assistance, to get up to a vertical position. Therapists feel this is important to keep his leg muscles from atrophy.


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Jonesy attended several Knick home rugby matches. Click read more to see pictures.

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‎6/1/2010 Day 95 of Jonesy's Journey-watching "The Blind Side" with Jonesy-(he reports the 1980's rugby version: Jonesy instead of Michael Oher The Green Family instead of the Tuohy Family)

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‎5/01/2010 Day 64 of Jonesy's Journey-Michael was thrilled when Matt “JoJo" Moore and his wife Peggy visited today. Matt and Peggy offered Michael advice and hope and friendship. (JoJo is also a quadriplegic who was injured playing rugby in 1991)

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4/1/2010 Day 34 of Jonesy’s Journey-Jonesy wants to move his hands and arms so desperately. I told him, it’s not for lack of prayers, just look at the numbers…. 3,895 devoted Jonesy followers praying daily.

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Mar. 3 - Dear friends and family and supporters, we feel your love, thank you for this prayer group. I am Jonesy's wife, by his side now in Fla. His spinal cord injury is considered catastrophic. We believe in miracles. I will start a blog soon and post the link here. Pray.

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